Atlantic Monthly, 745 Boylston Street, Boston MA 02116, Tel: 617-536-9500, Fax: 617-536-3975. $18/year (12 issues).

The Atlantic Monthly was founded in 1857, and has a circulation of 478,000. It was purchased by real-estate magnate Mortimer B. Zuckerman in 1980, who also purchased U.S. News and World Report (the McNews magazine) in 1984. Zuckerman is worth $200 million or so, which means he cannot afford to publish anything that threatens the powers that be (such as himself).

Many of the Atlantic Monthly citations in NameBase are from an exception to this general rule. In December 1982 they previewed a portion of Seymour Hersh's "The Price of Power." When the book appeared the following spring, this material ended up as chapters 21-22 (pages 258-296) about Nixon, Kissinger, and the coup in Chile. (In 1985 Hersh gave us a copy of "The Price of Power." Since the Atlantic Monthly portion was already entered, we skipped those pages in the book.)

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