Columbia Journalism Review, 700 Journalism Building, Columbia University, New York NY 10027, Tel: 212-854-1881 (editorial), 800-669-1002 (subs). $19.95/year (6 issues).

In a country where the media are increasingly centralized, we now have candidates campaigning with soundbites, and newspapers that feel their Watergate muckraking was so great that it gave them the right to sleep through the 1980s. In 1992 we are beginning to wake up with a massive headache. But the media still don't get it, so you can't expect a trade magazine like CJR, published from the ivory tower of the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia, to get it either. On rare occasions they are still able to surprise us, however.

So far we have fewer than a dozen articles from CJR in NameBase, including one on John P. McGoff by Karen Rothmyer (11-12/1979), a short piece on the National Journalism Center in Washington DC by Eric Nadler (11-12/1982), articles on CIA censorship by Jack Hitt and Jay Peterzell (7-8/1984 and 11-12/1984), one on Lyndon LaRouche by Patricia Lynch (3-4/1985), and an article on Nicaragua's "La Prensa" by Michael Massing and John Spicer Nichols (7-8/1988).

We don't read CJR anymore, and are undoubtedly unaware of some good pieces. If a photocopy shows up in our mailbox, we try to play catch-up.

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