Reasons, Charles E. (ed). The Criminologist: Crime and the Criminal. Santa Monica CA: Goodyear Publishing Company, 1974. All NameBase citations are from Andrew Karmen, "Agents Provocateurs in the Contemporary U.S. Leftist Movement," pages 209-226.

We have a photocopy of only one essay from this book, a series of readings in the field of criminology. This collection focuses on "nontraditional topics such as political crime, corporate crime, and correctional/police crime." The essay we have is by Andrew Karmen, an adjunct lecturer at the Department of Sociology, City College of New York. The book's editor, Charles Reasons, is from the University of Nebraska.

This article is the only historical compilation we've seen on a topic that the major media treats superficially, if at all. The history of the New Left's transition from a nonviolent movement during 1965-1969 to the riots and scattered bombings of the 1970s is distinguished by a succession of government infiltrators who provoked the movement toward greater violence. This article reviews case histories and delineates common patterns. It was written before the Freedom of Information Act was available, so most of the information was placed in the public domain by federal and local prosecutors, who occasionally had to expose their agents in order to prosecute movement activists. One wonders how many stories still haven't been told.

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