Israeli Foreign Affairs: An Independent Research Report on Israel's Diplomatic, Military, and Intelligence Activities Around the World. Edited and published from 1985-1993 by Jane Hunter in Sacramento, CA.

If you are liberal or leftist and have profound objections to Israel's foreign policy, you can't be caught reading most anti-Israel publications. They are put out by people your friends consider anti-Semitic: Jew-baiting conspiracy theorists, Holocaust revisionists, or Arab agents dripping with oil money.

But there was a correct solution, and it was a dense 8-page monthly called Israeli Foreign Affairs. It skipped the right-wing esoterica and broad historical perspective in favor of summaries of current events compiled from a variety of international news sources.

This was a journal for those with a sustained professional interest; it tended to follow certain items in more detail than the casual or wide- ranging reader would need. Favorite topics included relations with other countries (particularly repressive regimes in Africa and Latin America), the arms trade, certain Israelis involved with drug trafficking and money laundering, the intelligence community, and nuclear policy. Editor and publisher Jane Hunter has also written several books on the same topic.

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