Executive Intelligence Review. Box 17390, Washington DC 20041-0390. $396/year. eirns@larouchepub.com; www.larouchepub.com/pubinfo.html

Lyndon LaRouche and his researchers have a keen interest in Anglo- American elites. Occasionally a photocopied article from their flagship publication, EIR, crosses our desk. And more occasionally, it's coherent enough for indexing in NameBase. Such articles tend to be accounts of the history behind the founding of the Federal Reserve System, or lists of British and American members of certain think tanks that specialize in strategic foreign policy. EIR refers to its favorite foe as BAC, for "British-American Commonwealth."

When this happens, we reach for our 1975 "Who's Who" (published in Britain). This is only tool we own when it comes to sorting out those tricky heraldry issues, such as whether demigod and media mogul Joe Blow is one and the same as Lord Shmuck of Shmoozeville. It becomes clear to us that EIR has a point -- the American revolution left behind much unfinished business. But we hold no brief for or against EIR's specific slant on the New/Old World Order. It's the names we want. These days, precious few researchers even bother tracking global elites, so we take what we can get.

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