Smith,J.B. Portrait of a Cold Warrior. 1981

Smith, Joseph Burkholder. Portrait of a Cold Warrior: Second Thoughts of a Top CIA Agent. New York: Ballantine Books, 1981. First published in 1976 by G.P. Putnam's Sons. 441 pages.

With a career that spanned from 1951 to 1973, Smith served in both the CIA's Far East and Western Hemisphere (Latin America) Divisions. He was assigned to the Far East Division as a Psychological Warfare/Propaganda Expert, and in 1954 was posted to the Singapore station as propaganda chief. In 1956 he served as Malaya desk chief, in 1958 in the Philippines as political action chief, in 1960 as chief of the Propaganda Guidance Section at CIA headquarters, in 1961 on the Venezuelan desk, and then was sent to Argentina to work on a joint propaganda project with the Argentine security agency (SIDE) for four years. In 1967 he served in the Office of Training at CIA headquarters as a propaganda and political action instructor, and in 1969 was assigned to Mexico to help sanitize operations exposed by Philip Agee's book "Inside the Company." Ironically, Agee never mentioned Smith in his book, despite the fact that they had worked together in Latin America.

-- Wendell Minnick
ISBN 0-345-29839-X