Neuberger,G. Opperskalski,M. CIA in Mittelamerika. 1983

Neuberger, Guenter and Opperskalski, Michael. CIA in Mittelamerika. Goettingen, Germany: Lamuv Verlag Gmbh, 1983. 206 pages.

As Reagan geared up in Nicaragua in 1981, the handful of anti-CIA researchers in the U.S. saw the writing on the wall and began to curtail their practice of publishing the names of CIA officers posted abroad. But West German journalist Guenter Neuberger was beyond the reach of the law that made naming names illegal, and his research continued. At a press conference in Costa Rica he released the names of more than 200 alleged CIA officers in Central America, with career summaries compiled from State Department Biographic Registers and various diplomatic and foreign service lists. This research format was in the tradition of "Dirty Work" (covering Western Europe) and "Dirty Work 2" (Africa) by U.S. researchers, each of which named many hundreds of CIA officers in the late 1970s.

In 1983 Neuberger expanded his list with another 100 names and placed them all in an appendix to "CIA in Mittelamerika." The bulk of the book consists of essays on U.S. intervention in various Central American countries, but most of these are based on research that first appeared in English publications already in NameBase. For this reason -- and also because our German is rusty -- we restricted our inputting to the appendix.
ISBN 3-921521-88-2