Godson,R. American Labor and European Politics. 1976

Godson, Roy. American Labor and European Politics: The AFL as a Transnational Force. New York: Crane, Russak and Company, 1976. 230 pages.

The American Federation of Labor played a major role in postwar Europe, sometimes with funding from the CIA. Irving Brown, the Free Trade Union Committee representative in Europe since 1945, was one of the AFL's most important organizers; Jay Lovestone was another. This book covers the AFL's European efforts during the late 1940s and early 1950s, with an emphasis on the AFL as a case study of the techniques and strategies of foreign policy making in nongovernmental organizations. Godson downplays the CIA's role, and with as much scholarly detachment as he can muster, stresses the enlightened independence of America's freedom-loving, anti-Communist labor organizers.

Roy Godson has taught at Georgetown University since 1971, specializing in international relations and national security. During the 1980s he directed the Washington office of the National Strategy Information Center, a think tank for right-wing militarists. Godson has also been a consultant to the National Security Council and the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. No mere academic, in 1985 Godson helped Oliver North channel contributions from private donors to the contras by using the Heritage Foundation to launder the funds.
ISBN 0-8448-0920-9