AIFLD. Field Personnel List. 1986-01-15

American Institute for Free Labor Development. Field Personnel List. January 15, 1986. 5 pages.

The AIFLD, which was created by international leaders within the AFL-CIO in conjunction with the CIA and also with U.S. corporations doing business in Latin America, is best described by former CIA officer Philip Agee (from "Whitepaper Whitewash," page 42):

"The AIFLD was established in 1961, supposedly as an educational institute. At the same time as it set up operations in Washington, it began to open field offices, and eventually it had offices in practically every Latin American capital city. Training was done both on the spot in Latin America through the local offices, and in Washington (and later, Front Royal, Virginia) for those specially selected for this training in the U.S. Over the years the AIFLD has trained hundreds of thousands of Latin American workers both in Latin America and in the U.S. The real purpose of this 'educational' institute, however, was to train cadres to organize new trade unions or to take over existing ones, in such a way that the unions would be controlled, directly or indirectly, by the CIA. At one point I was working in labor operations in Ecuador and was dealing directly with the CIA agent who headed the AIFLD office in Bogota, Colombia. We arranged for him to come to Quito to help us with certain problems that we were having with our labor operations."