Cockburn,L. Out of Control. 1987

Cockburn, Leslie. Out of Control. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987. 287 pages.

During the contra war, Robert Owen wrote the following to Oliver North: "These people [the contra leaders] don't know they are even in a war.... They think they are running a business."

Cockburn traces the contras from the fall of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979 to their collapse when Eugene Hasenfus parachuted from his doomed airplane in 1986. Reagan, Bush, the Pentagon, the CIA and NSC, arms merchants, narcotics merchants, money launderers, contra leaders, and mercenaries all took a ride on the back of a propped up military operation specializing in attacks on clinics, schools, and civilians. Millions disappeared into secret bank accounts in this latest in a long history of corrupt and violent covert actions.

The illegal and unconstitutional nature of the war is found in the description of the Santa Elena, Costa Rica airfield where U.S. officials arranged "the secret construction of a military base without authorization from Congress in an avowedly neutral country to provide aid specifically forbidden by Congress in an undeclared war." Cockburn also examines the connection to Iran and the October Surprise. Out of control indeed. -- Lanny Sinkin
ISBN 0-87113-169-2