Asia Foundation. Annual Report. 1985

Asia Foundation, 465 California Street, San Francisco CA 94104, Tel: 415-982-4640. Annual Report. 1985.

We have portions of the annual reports from The Asia Foundation for 1985, 1986, and 1987. The names entered from the 1985 report were officers, members, trustees, former trustees, and consultants in the U.S. and Asia.

The Asia Foundation was founded in 1954 and throughout the 1960s had an annual budget of about $8 million. This money was used to support Asian schools and libraries, give travel grants to Asians for international conferences, and in support of expanded Pacific trade. In 1967 it was revealed that they were receiving CIA funds. Victor Marchetti, once an executive assistant to the CIA's deputy director, is less delicate -- he says Asia Foundation was established by the CIA and until 1967 was heavily subsidized by them, even though some of their activities were legitimate.

These days the National Endowment for Democracy model is preferred over those old, risky, secret CIA conduits, so in 1984 the Asia Foundation Act provided for funds from the Department of State. In 1987 the Foundation received $10 million from State and another $3.7 million from AID, in addition to private support (88 percent of which was in the form of donated books) and matching Asian contributions. We wonder if Asia Foundation is really out of the U.S. intelligence loop after all.