U.S. Council World Freedom. Directors and Advisors. 1986

United States Council for World freedom. Board of Directors and Advisory Board. 1986. 1 page.

This is an official list of 36 directors and advisors of USCWF, and almost all of the names include a line or two of identifying information. John Singlaub, a retired general with an intelligence background, has been chairman of USCWF since 1981, when he organized it as the new U.S. chapter of the World Anti-Communist League. WACL, which was originally created by the intelligence services of Taiwan and South Korea for purposes of anti- Communist propaganda, has had a U.S. chapter since 1969. But the presence of former Nazis in the European chapters, and neo-Nazis elsewhere, caused splits on the U.S. end.

Singlaub's new chapter struck out in an activist direction by collecting tax-deductible contributions to support the contras. U.S. officials worked closely with USCWF, as well as with other pro-contra groups in the private sector. In 1985 the Miami Herald estimated that USCWF was sending up to $500,000 a month to the contras, in the form of nonlethal supplies that were usually shipped on U.S. military craft.