Neuberger,G. Opperskalski,M. CIA im Iran. 1982

Neuberger, Guenter and Opperskalski, Michael. CIA im Iran: Die Geheimdokumente aus der Teheraner US-Botschaft. Goettingen, Germany: Lamuv Verlag Gmbh, 1982. 160 pages.

When Iranian militants seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979, some documents were shredded at the last minute by conscientious staffers. But the low-budget machines cut the paper in only one direction, so after years of work by Iranians skilled at weaving Persian carpets, sixty volumes of "Documents from the U.S. Espionage Den" were eventually published. By the late 1980s, most of these could be purchased at the National Intelligence Book Center in Washington DC. It wasn't always this easy. In late 1981 a 13-volume set was widely available in Iran, but three U.S. journalists had theirs confiscated by FBI and customs officials. However, a second set was overlooked by customs, and the Washington Post did a series based on this set that ran from January 31 to February 6, 1982.

This book reproduced 64 pages of documents, a dozen or so at the end of each of five chapters of commentary in German. Unlike most of the Tehran embassy documents, the most famous one had nothing to do with Iran. It was a secret 47-page overview of Israel's foreign intelligence and security services that was issued by the CIA in 1979. It does not appear in this collection, but was published by CounterSpy magazine in May-June 1982.
ISBN 3-921521-54-8