Mader,J. CIA-Operation Hindu Kush. 1988

Mader, Julius. CIA-Operation Hindu Kush: Geheimdienstaktivitaeten im unerklaerten Krieg der USA gegen Afghanistan. Berlin: Militaerverlag der DDR, 1988. 96 pages.

This booklet is one of the last of the genre of publications from the Eastern Bloc that names alleged CIA agents. Most of the others were available in English translation from Progress Publishers in Moscow, or written in English by CP-aligned journalists in India. Dr. Julius Mader, based in East Berlin, had Stasi if not KGB connections, so most Western authors who cite him are quick to add that they consider him unreliable. In the 1960s Mader compiled almost 2500 names of alleged CIA agents (see the annotation for "Who's Who in CIA"), and wrote two books on Reinhard Gehlen.

Since our German is rusty, we only put in the 93 names from his six- page appendix, which is a compilation of CIA agents in Afghanistan from 1947 to 1988. Nearly all of them have been published in previous sources, from Mader's own "Who's Who" and several Indian books, to U.S. sources such as the "Dirty Work" volumes and CounterSpy magazine. Mader suggests that his broad definition of "CIA" includes any agency that cooperates with them: Agency for International Development, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, International Cooperation Administration, the U.S. Information Agency, etc. His listings include the years the person spent in Afghanistan, the birth date (when available), and a few words on the person's position or title.
ISBN 3-327-00660-1