Moldea,D. The Hoffa Wars. 1978

Moldea, Dan E. The Hoffa Wars. New York: Charter Books, 1978. 450 pages.

In 1975, the Church Committee exposed the CIA's efforts to use the Mafia to assassinate Castro. Sam Giancana was murdered before he could testify in front of the Committee, and Jimmy Hoffa disappeared that year also. John Roselli testified, but then his dismembered body was found floating in an oil drum. By that time the House Select Committee on Assassinations wasn't too eager to look further. Fortunately there are some journalists still doing the work that Congress should have done long ago.

The Hoffa Wars is the best treatment available of Hoffa's career with the Teamsters and organized crime. Selected by the Book-of-the-Month Club and syndicated by the New York Times, it has been through numerous printings and translated into French, Italian, and Japanese. It was also the first book to take a closer look at Mafia involvement in the JFK assassination, at a time when most Warren Commission critics were just becoming aware of Jack Ruby's many links with Mafia figures.

This is one of four books in NameBase by Dan Moldea, who has specialized in organized crime investigations since 1974. His interest in the Kennedy assassinations also continues; in 1990 he interviewed over 100 Los Angeles police officers, and concluded that more slugs were recovered than could have fit in Sirhan's gun. Moldea lives in Washington, DC.
ISBN 0-441-34010-5