Marshall,J... The Iran-Contra Connection. 1987

Marshall, Jonathan; Scott, Peter Dale; and Hunter, Jane. The Iran-Contra Connection: Secret Teams and Covert Operations in the Reagan Era. Boston: South End Press, 1987. 313 pages, including 70 pages of notes.

This is one of the better books on Iran-contra, written by three excellent investigative writers. Marshall is an editor at the San Francisco Chronicle and former editor of Inquiry magazine and Parapolitics/USA. Scott is professor of English at UC Berkeley and has written several books and some major articles on U.S. foreign policy and the Dallas and Watergate conspiracies. Hunter was the editor of Israeli Foreign Affairs, a monthly that was the best English-language source available for keeping track of Israel's far-flung intrigues and obscure policy interests.

Each of these writers has been in the business for a long time and undoubtedly has an impressive personal library of books and clippings. It shows in their writing style, which tends to draw together a large array of names and connections. Because of the heavy footnoting, this makes the book useful as a source that in turn can point to other, more obscure sources not indexed in NameBase.
ISBN 0-89608-291-1