House Foreign Affairs Committee. Staff Report on OPD. 1988-09-07

Committee on Foreign Affairs Staff Report, U.S. House of Representatives. State Department and Intelligence Community Involvement in Domestic Activities Related to the Iran/Contra Affair. September 7, 1988. 37 pages.

From the letter of transmission from chief counsel R. Spencer Oliver and staff consultant Bert Hammond to committee chairman Dante B. Fascell:

"We hereby submit the final staff report of our investigation on the involvement of the State Department Office of Latin American Public Diplomacy [OPD] in the establishment and supervision of a private, domestic network designed to influence the Congress, the media and public opinion on behalf of the Administration's policies.... [Three previous investigations], as well as our own investigation, present a situation which may require further investigation ... to focus on the extent to which the CIA and various intelligence components of the Department of Defense conspired, through the staff of the National Security Council, to use the State Department as a cover for a domestic operation which went far beyond the legal and ethical scope of their authority. The staff report indicates the extensive involvement of intelligence community personnel by the Office of Latin American Public Diplomacy to establish, maintain and manage private, domestic entities engaged in fundraising, lobbying, propaganda and manipulation of the media.... Many important documents ... were never made available to our Committee, [which lacked subpeona power]...."