Garrison,J. On the Trail of the Assassins. 1988

Garrison, Jim. On the Trail of the Assassins. New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1988. 342 pages.

A number of books on the JFK assassination are indexed in NameBase. Some make the case that the Mafia did it (David Scheim, "Contract on America"; John Davis, "Mafia Kingfish"), others make the case that the CIA had a hand in it (Philip Melanson, "Spy Saga"; Jim Garrison, "On the Trail of the Assassins"), and some support the case for conspiracy without trying to determine who did it (Robert Sam Anson, "They've Killed the President!").

Most Americans agree, on the basis of eyewitnesses and evidence from the scene, that Oswald did not act alone. Whether the Mafia did it, or the CIA did it, or both (they were definitely working together to assassinate Castro), the most troubling legacy of Dallas is not the question of who pulled the trigger. As important as this is, it could have been a lower- echelon, renegade operation of limited scope. More mind-boggling is the probability that for nearly 30 years we've seen a massive cover-up. When considered along with the Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy assassinations, fundamental questions about who really has the power in America, and whether our democracy is a sham, cannot be avoided.
ISBN 0-941781-02-X