National Military Intelligence Assn. Newsletter 1988-#2

National Military Intelligence Association. NMIA Newsletter. Pentagon Station, P.O. Box 46583, Washington DC 20050-6583. 16 pages, 4 issues/year.

We don't subscribe to this newsletter and have only seen several pages of Vol. 3, No. 2 (1988). But on page two there's a list of their directors, advisors, chapter presidents, officers, and nine corporations who give them support, and on page eight there are 53 life members listed. Page two also includes the rank and branch of service. Most of those listed are retired and range from LCOL to ADM and BGEN.

Apart from the names, the rest of the newsletter is of little interest to NameBase users. It serves mainly to keep its members informed of NMIA's events and activities with articles such as "Awards Banquet Highlights Event!" and "Space Intelligence Symposium a Success!" There's also an occasional Eastern or Western intelligence-related tidbit that is picked up from the mainstream press and summarized for the benefit of their readers.