Quicksilver Times 1969-08-26

Quicksilver Times, August 26 - September 9, 1969. 3 pages.

The names entered from this source were from a single issue of this "underground" newspaper, published in Washington DC from early 1969 to 1972. One of the two participants describes how the names were compiled:

"Two anti-Vietnam War activists from Washington drove out to Virginia early one morning and parked their car on the shoulder of a road, 50 yards before the turnoff into CIA headquarters. While one of them pretended to be fixing a flat tire, the other stood behind the car pretending to read a newspaper, but actually observing the cars passing by in the exit lane. As each car passed, he spoke the car's license number into a microphone which was taped to his chest under his shirt. The microphone was wired to a tape recorder inside a paper bag on the car's front seat. In 1.5 hours, about 400 license numbers were recorded. Over the next two weeks, visits and phone calls to the motor vehicle departments in Washington, Maryland, and Virginia produced a list of over 200 names and addresses which were published in the Quicksilver Times."

This participant eventually found a complete report of the incident when he received his CIA file. His accomplice turned out to be a CIA agent, a fact that was confirmed by double dealings this accomplice had with Philip Agee several years later. However, the names remain valid.