Johnstone,D. The Politics of Euromissiles. 1984

Johnstone, Diana. The Politics of Euromissiles: Europe's Role in America's World. London: Verso, 1984. 218 pages.

Diana Johnstone, born in 1934, received her Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota and was active in the campus movement against the Vietnam war. She organized the first international contacts between American citizens and Vietnamese representatives. Most of her adult life has been spent in France, Germany, and Italy, and since 1976 she has been the European correspondent for the American weekly In These Times. Her reporting on political affairs and intelligence-related issues is always lucid, and refreshingly free from the spin found in major U.S. media. As of 1990 she was living in Paris.

Events in Europe have evolved considerably since the controversy over the deployment of nuclear missiles there in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Moreover, Johnstone refers to her book as "necessarily speculative," which dates it even further. But even if it has been overtaken by events, it still stands as a tribute to her ability to analyze continental European affairs. Most of the personalities she names remain active in politics, and are still worth noting. As Europe watches the last fifty years of stability slipping away into history, its leaders become more important to all of us.
ISBN 0-86091-787-8