Lasky,V. It Didn't Start With Watergate. 1978

Lasky, Victor. It Didn't Start With Watergate. New York: Dell Publishing, 1978. 478 pages.

Victor Lasky is a conservative who has written negative books on the Kennedy brothers and Jimmy Carter. He was also a public relations executive with CIA-funded Radio Liberty in New York City from 1956-1960. His mission in "It Didn't Start With Watergate" is to convince the reader that Nixon didn't do anything that various Democrats since FDR haven't done many times over. He almost succeeds. Better still, the book is fun to read.

If Lasky were to update the book, he could have a field day with the politically-correct interests that have taken over the Democratic Party, paralyzing it at the very time that broad-based New Deal reforms might otherwise be on the table.

But rather than exonerating Nixon, Lasky ultimately manages to incriminate the entire system. Any leftist can find ample confirmation here that Democrats and Republicans are two moments of the same corrupt historical dialectic. It's small wonder that fewer citizens bother to vote these days.
ISBN 0-440-14400-0