Business Week. CEOs of 1000 Top Companies. 1991-11-25

Business Week. "The Corporate Elite: The Chief Executives of the Business Week 1000, the Most Valuable Publicly Held U.S. Companies." 25 November 1991, pp. 174-216.

This compilation includes the top 1000 companies among those that sell shares on the open market and are therefore required to file information with the SEC. The CEO of each company is named, along with his birth date, state or country of birth, undergraduate and graduate education, number of years at the company, and his annual salary. Sales, profits, and market value are also given for the company. BW's compilation is sorted by company name only, whereas NameBase shows only the CEO names and the page number where each appears.

Business Week offers a summary of this information: All 1000 CEOs are men, and Princeton, Yale, Harvard and Stanford are the top schools. The average salary is $868,000, average age is 56, and the average tenure is 22 years with the company, eight of them as the CEO. For those who have been CEO for a year or less, the average salary drops to $608,000. Collectively these men control $3.8 trillion in revenues.