Scott,P.D... The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond. 1976

Scott, Peter Dale; Hoch, Paul L.; and Stetler, Russell. The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond -- A Guide to Cover-ups and Investigations. New York: Vintage Books, 1976. 556 pages.

This collection of 40 essays includes many of the major writers on assassinations. Mark Lane, Sylvia Meagher, James Lesar, David Lifton, Cyril H. Wecht, William Turner, and David W. Belin cover various aspects of the JFK assassination, from the physical evidence to eyewitnesses, and from the murder of Tippet to the Garrison investigation. Peter Dale Scott contributes a 40-page study of Kennedy's intention to pull out of Vietnam, as well as another essay on the connections between Dallas and Watergate. George O'Toole and Bernard Fensterwald look at the "second Oswald" with an eye on the CIA and ONI, while Paul L. Hoch monitors the CIA's relationship with the Warren Commission.

Wayne Chastain and Harold Weisberg weigh in on the Martin Luther King assassination, and Robert Blair Kaiser, Betsy Langman, and Alexander Cockburn discuss Robert Kennedy and Sirhan's gun. Gore Vidal is suspicious of the attempt against George Wallace.

A final section reprints the chapter from the 1975 Rockefeller Commission report that treated and dismissed some of the CIA connections with the JFK assassination. This is followed by criticisms from Paul Hoch.
ISBN 0-394-71650-7