Sheehy,S. Texas Big Rich. 1992

Sheehy, Sandy. Texas Big Rich. New York: St.Martin's Press, 1992. 399 pages.

This delightful book gives revealing profiles of a cross-section of extremely rich Texans and their families (pages in parentheses):

Clayton W. Williams, Jr. (21-37) Fort Worth high society (206-222) Houston high society (38-56) T. Cullen Davis (223-239) Joanne Johnson King Bass brothers (240-260) and Herring Davis (57-67) "Cadillac Jack" Grimm (261-269) Josephine Abercrombie (68-75) Electra Waggoner Biggs (270-275) Walter Mischer (76-83) Stanley Marsh 3 (276-290) big-ranch cowboys (84-108) T. Boone Pickens (291-303) John Connally (109-122) Sybil Harrington (304-313) Dallas high society (123-144) San Antonio high society (314-332) H.R. "Bum" Bright (145-153) Galveston high society (333-341) Hunt brothers (154-172) George Mitchell (342-353) Wynne dynasty (173-183) high-tech capitalists (354-370) May Kay Ash (184-196) H. Ross Perot (371-389) Jarrell McCracken (197-205)

This is the problem with Texas: Everyone else who reads these gently- sarcastic profiles is snickering most of the way through the book, while most Texans reading it will feel flattered.
ISBN 0-312-92712-6