American Enterprise Institute. Scholar Directory. 1991-06

American Enterprise Institute, 1150 17th Street NW, Washington DC 20036, Tel: 202-862-5800.

Scholar Directory. June 1991. 4 pages.

Washington DC leads the world in the production of conventional wisdom, and its well-paid pundits are marketed as a commodity throughout the mass media. The pundit factories are called "think tanks," and they put out catalogs, cross-referenced by approved subject headings, of in-house hack scholars. It's a bit like promoting safe sex for reporters: when they need a soundbite or quotation to create the appearance of objectivity on a given issue, but don't want to risk their jobs by propagating unconventional ideas, they just whip out a scholar directory for one of these think tanks.

The American Enterprise Institute directory contains a short paragraph on each of 41 scholars, including past affiliations and a notation of previous publications. AEI was founded in 1943, and for years was thought of as the Republican alternative to the "liberal" Brookings Institution. By 1985 their budget was $12 million, of which 45 percent was provided by corporations who were getting rich from the supply-side, anti-regulatory economics that AEI promoted. After supporting Goldwater in 1964, AEI wasn't respectable until the Ford administration. During the Reagan years they became powerful, and Brookings found itself moving toward the right just to stay in the game.