Minnick,W. Spies and Provocateurs. 1992

Minnick, Wendell L. Spies and Provocateurs: A Worldwide Encyclopedia of Persons Conducting Espionage and Covert Action, 1946-1991. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 1992. 310 pages.

Now that the Cold War is over, an encyclopedia has been compiled of those who were accused of betraying their national trust. (A similar effort in NameBase is "Who's Who in Espionage" by Ronald Payne and Christopher Dobson (1984), which isn't nearly as comprehensive and also suffers from an Anglophilic bias.) Wendell Minnick has drawn extensively from public sources -- such as Facts on File (1946-1991) and the other 277 entries in his bibliography -- to present alphabetical descriptions of 627 accused or convicted spies from every corner of the globe. These descriptions range from a couple of sentences to a couple of pages in length, along with a listing of the major sources for each. In the course of these descriptions some 300 additional names are mentioned in passing, so the complete index in back is a welcome feature. A 19-page chronology is also included.

Who needs this book? Cold War historians with an interest in international espionage can use it to quickly ascertain what the public record offers on included individuals. For those who are investigating domestic covert activities (assassinations, political repression, etc.) it is less useful, since the emphasis is on those who were caught in the struggle between nations.
ISBN 0-89950-746-8