Gill,S. American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission. 1991

Gill, Stephen. American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. 304 pages.

In recent years the guardians of correct thinking on the U.S. left decided that any discussion of transnational elites in connection with high-finance and trade is just another version of those old right-wing conspiracy theories about Jewish bankers. If you suspect that real issues are involved -- particularly now that CFR/Trilateralist/Bilderberger Bill Clinton was slipped into the White House while we weren't looking -- you have to follow the issue by reading right-wing literature.

But there's one progressive scholar who still takes it seriously. Stephen Gill, a professor of political science at York University in Toronto, interviewed 100 of the 325 Trilateral members. Then he applied a thick spread of Gramscian analysis to show that: 1) American power has NOT declined, rather it has just taken on a more internationalist outlook as capital becomes more mobile; 2) transnational capitalists are stronger than ever due to recent political and economic trends as well as the enormous strides in global communications technology; and 3) groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg are consciously co-opting the top intellectuals so that internationalism, free trade, and the New World Order become the correct line for political pundits everywhere. It's worth thinking about the next time you are unemployed.
ISBN 0-521-42433-X