Keith,J. Secret and Suppressed. 1993

Keith, Jim, ed. Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History. Feral House (P.O. Box 3466, Portland OR 97208), 1993. 309 pages.

"On occasion I have included a particular piece in this volume not for its absolute validity, ... but for its quotient of unacceptability in the reality tunnels of the mainstream." So confesses the editor, which explains why some of the essays are just too weird for us. These we liked:

Anna Keeler, "Remote Mind Control Technology," pp. 27-41. An objective look at the state of the art in hi-tech mind control, with references.

John Judge, "The Black Hole of Guyana: The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre," pp. 127-165. The U.S. intelligence community's connections to the Jonestown experiment. Includes 291 footnotes.

G.J. Krupey, "AIDS: Act of God or the Pentagon?", pp. 241-255. Reviews the historical background behind the theory that AIDS originated in a biological-warfare lab. Includes 27 footnotes.

David Steiner and Harry Katz, 1992 telephone transcript, pp. 257-269. AIPAC's president David Steiner brags about the Israeli lobby's connections to Clinton while Katz was taping him. Katz gave his tape to the media and Steiner was forced to resign.
ISBN 0-922915-14-8