Findley,P. They Dare to Speak Out. 1989

Findley, Paul. They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby. Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 1989. 390 pages.

After 22 years in Congress, Paul Findley (R-IL) was defeated in 1982 following nearly four years of lobbying by Americans who support Israel. He was neither the first nor the last person to be targeted by AIPAC (American- Israel Public Affairs Committee) and ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) for the sin of demonstrating an interest in Arab countries. The difference this time was Findley's decision to write a comprehensive book about Israel's lobby in the U.S. This book is reasonable and responsible, containing nearly 1000 end notes, and for nine weeks was on the Washington Post bestseller list. It should have been written years earlier, but many of those in Washington who helped Findley asked not be acknowledged because they were worried about their careers.

The last chapter is titled "America's Intifada," in which Findley recognizes that Israel's lobby has recently lost some of its monopoly on Middle East policy. The Pollard spy case hit the headlines in late 1985 and the intifada began in the West Bank and Gaza in 1987, at the same time that U.S. media coverage was becoming more objective. For those who agree with Findley that U.S. interests should be placed ahead of Israeli interests, this chapter lists several groups that citizens are urged to support.
ISBN 1-55652-073-5