Piper,M.C. Final Judgment. 1993

Piper, Michael Collins. Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy. Washington DC: Wolfe Press, 1993. 335 pages. Includes a bibliography and 677 end notes. (Available for $20 from Liberty Library, 300 Independence Avenue SE, Washington DC 20003, Tel: 800-522-6292.)

Just as our two-year subscription to Liberty Lobby's "Spotlight" newspaper was winding down, along comes this book by Spotlight writer Michael Collins Piper. We clipped a fair number of their investigative articles for NameBase during that period, and no longer felt defensive when our leftist critics condemned Spotlight as anti-Semitic. The rare instances of excessive anti-Zionist zeal in Spotlight are more than offset by their consistently credible reporting on other issues.

When we saw the advance publicity for Final Judgment, which claimed that this book would offer "astounding proof" that Mossad had a hand in the JFK assassination, we were a bit nervous. As it turns out, the Mossad links presented by Piper are circumstantial rather than conclusive, but definitely worth considering. Other aspects of the JFK morass that Piper discusses, such as the Mafia-CIA-Israeli connection (starring Meyer Lansky and James Angleton), Charles DeGaulle and his problems with the OAS, and the spooky business of Permindex, are rarely treated in other JFK literature. So we were happy to include this book in NameBase, particularly since it doesn't have an index of its own.
ISBN 0-935036-47-4