Non-Lethal Defense Conference. Attendees. 1993

Non-Lethal Defense Conference. Attendees. Johns Hopkins University, November 16-17, 1993. 18 pages.

This list of 322 names all attended a "classified conference" at John Hopkins University's applied research laboratory. The aim of the conference, which was sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory, was "to bring together industry, government and academia to explore the potential of non-lethal defense and identify requirements so that the defense community can work together in leveraging the non-lethal concept." With prose like that, the military-industrial influence is evidently more dominant than the academic influence. This proves to be the case: the list includes the work address of each attendee, and about half of them have military rank or are civilians who work at military installations. The rest are either representatives from hungry defense contractors, or hungry consultants from universities and think tanks.

We can only guess, but ELF (extremely low frequency) and microwave technology were probably big on the agenda, as they can disorient and/or fry your brain. Better yet, some form of reliable mind control is the ultimate in non-lethal defense. If you zap someone and take him prisoner, you have to feed him and guard him. But if you zap him and he becomes your blathering slave, he'll be happy to feed and guard you!