EIR. Dope, Inc. 1992

EIR. Dope, Inc.: The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy. Washington DC: Executive Intelligence Review, 1992. 697 pages.

The first edition of this book was published in 1978, and updated editions appeared in Spanish and English in 1985 and 1986. This new edition contains four appendices, including a fairly decent report on the Anti- Defamation League (pages 603-651). EIR is the research and intelligence wing of the Lyndon LaRouche organization. Their publications reflect a curious blend of facts and research not available elsewhere, mixed together with an Anglophobia that sometimes borders on the hysterical. This book is dense with the names of elites and their corporate and banking connections, from Hong Kong to New York to London. That alone made it worth inputting, even though I'm not convinced by their conclusions about the world order.

Nor do I think LaRouche is a crank who believes that the Queen of England pushes drugs. In certain areas, EIR research is too substantive for such easy dismissal; something else is going on here. This book claims that a network of British aristocrats and their foreign cronies have been laundering drug money since the days of the Opium Wars. That's probably true. But has EIR uncovered Britain's conspiracy to destroy the world, or have they merely found some loose connections between various high-flying transnational profiteers, who happen to have interesting family histories? -- D.Brandt
ISBN 0-943235-02-2