Parry,R. Lost History. 1997

Parry, Robert. Lost History: Contras, Cocaine and Other Crimes. The Media Consortium (Suite 102-231, 2200 Wilson Blvd., Arlington VA 22201, Tel: 703-920-1802), 1997. 118 pages.

Robert Parry was a reporter for Associated Press, Newsweek, and the Public Broadcasting System's "Frontline" program in the 1980s and 1990s. Disenchanted with mainstream reporting, by 1996 he started a newsletter and website ( to support independent journalism. Parry and Brian Barger broke the story of contra drug-smuggling in 1985, while working for AP. Despite hearings in Congress during the 1980s, and numerous instances of drug smuggling by contra supporters, the story remained on back pages until August, 1996. That's when the San Jose Mercury News ran a three-part series on the CIA and contra cocaine in south-central Los Angeles. It was widely noticed, primarily because of SJMN's high-tech website.

The mainstream press, in synchronized harmony, savaged the Mercury News for its overreaching journalism. In the process, they neatly managed to sidestep the real issue -- forget Los Angeles, what about the tons of other contra-coke and CIA-drug evidence that our puppet press deliberately buried over the years? In this little self-published book, Parry reviews this evidence, as well as some of the media's outright lies and manipulations that kept this story from the American people.
ISBN unavailable