Corso,P. The Day After Roswell. 1997

Corso, Philip J. (with William J. Birnes). The Day After Roswell. New York: Pocket Books, 1997. 341 pages.

This book makes the sensational claim that debris from the 1947 UFO crash at Roswell spurred the development of high technology in the U.S., thanks to reverse engineering after the author's secret "leaks" to defense contractors. Col. Philip J. Corso was an army intelligence officer for 21 years, and served on Gen. MacArthur's staff in Korea, on Eisenhower's National Security Council, and in the Pentagon under Lt. Gen. Arthur G. Trudeau. It was for Trudeau that Corso did his UFO work, mostly in the areas of integrated circuits, lasers, and fiber optics. Corso also says that he saw one of the alien bodies from Roswell in 1947, and that the Star Wars program was developed as a deterrent to hostile UFO activity. In other areas, Corso, who died in 1998 at the age of 83, and was a something of a rabid right-winger who was deeply suspicious of the comsymps at the CIA.

Either this book is essentially true or it isn't. If not true, Corso might be motivated by greed, or he might have been easily manipulated in his old age. It's also possible that there's a larger disinformation project in the works: if you read 50 books like this, and watch 100 episodes of "The X Files," you soon become politically neutralized ("Why Johnny Can't Dissent"). Even UFO researchers don't know what to make of this book. (Or perhaps the phrase should read, "Particularly UFO researchers....")
ISBN 0-671-00461-1