Beaty,J. Gwynne,S.C. The Outlaw Bank. 1993

Beaty, Jonathan and Gwynne, S.C. The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride Into the Secret Heart of BCCI. New York: Random House, 1993. 399 pages.

Of the several books in NameBase about the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, this is the spookiest, and has the most material about BCCI's connections to shadowy figures in organized crime and the international intelligence community (these days it's difficult to distinguish between the two). Surprisingly enough, the authors were Time magazine's point men on the story -- a magazine that doesn't often support the sort of journalism that won these authors two awards for persistent and fearless reporting. To top it off, we almost missed this book, and spotted it only by chance six years later, in a used bookstore. Most curious: another vapor-scandal, here today and gone tomorrow.

Author Jonathan Beaty was close to the people working on Robert Morgenthau's investigation of BCCI, just as the massive dimensions of BCCI's "Black Network" were beginning to unfold. The book is presented as something of a day-by-day thriller, with Beaty risking his neck while meeting sources in Middle Eastern countries, where the long, spooky arm of BCCI thuggery was strongest. Time magazine's generous expense account would get him in, but could Time's editors and the local U.S. ambassador get him out? This book is a fascinating look into the dark side of BCCI -- a side that doesn't come across in other reporting we've seen.
ISBN 0-679-41384-7