Picknett,L. Prince,C. The Stargate Conspiracy. 2001

Picknett, Lynn and Prince, Clive. The Stargate Conspiracy: The Truth About Extraterrestrial Life and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt. New York: Berkley Books, 2001. 425 pages.

What do Egyptology, the secrets of the pyramids, remote viewing, Freemasonry, Henry Wallace, NASA missions that return photographs that look like faces on Mars, New Age groups in California, the Gorbachev Foundation, Uri Geller, Aleister Crowley, L. Ron Hubbard, Edgar Cayce, ufology, and SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute) have in common? You may be surprised. Some of the same names run through many of these, and they have connections to U.S. intelligence. That's what these authors call the "conspiracy." It's all apparently orchestrated by an elite group of elders that go back nearly fifty years, and are connected at the highest political levels.

To what purpose? Well, it seems that "the conspirators are creating the perfect conditions for something to happen to effectively give them control over the masses -- over us. As we have seen, this could amount to the return of the ancient gods [who may have built the pyramids], or -- much more likely -- merely empty promises and cynically manufactured expectations." (p.331) The truth be known, at NameBase we're new to all this esoterica. But we know a spook vibe when we feel one, and there are some noteworthy intelligence connections mentioned in this book.
ISBN 0-425-17658-4