Millegan,K. Fleshing Out Skull & Bones. 2003

Millegan, Kris, ed. Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations Into America's Most Powerful Secret Society. Walterville, OR: TrineDay, 2003. 712 pages.

Bonesman John Kerry is running against Bonesman George W. Bush for control of the world -- does this mean anything, or should we write it off as a coincidence? Here is a compilation of articles and chapters from other books, and lists of names and documents, all about that secret Yale society, Skull and Bones. Only 15 are tapped each year on the Yale campus, but it's been happening since 1833. That's enough to send some off to Yale's Sterling Library, to try and figure out who's been running things for the last 100 years. (The membership lists during the last 30 years have not been published, so you can skip the library these days.)

Only six dozen names were plucked out of this book for indexing in NameBase, out of what must be a couple thousand. For one thing, NameBase goes light on pre-World War II history. For another, several chapters are reprints of material already indexed in NameBase. Finally, this work owes its inspiration to Antony Sutton (1925-2002), a conspiracy theorist who was pretty far out. It's the old New World Order thing -- when they aren't secretly funding Nazis, they're busy funding Communists. This big picture is too big for us, which is why we only skimmed this book and plucked out little tidbits here and there.
ISBN 0-9720207-2-1