Rampton,S. Stauber,J. The Best War Ever. 2006

Rampton, Sheldon and Stauber, John. The Best War Ever: Lies, Damned Lies, and the Mess in Iraq. New York: Jeremy P.Tarcher/Penguin, 2006. 258 pages.

This is the fifth book by these authors that is indexed in NameBase. All of them are similar, in that they pull examples from the press of how public relations firms and policy spin-meisters distort reality in the interests of higher profits or more power. The authors work out of the nonprofit Center for Media and Democracy in Madison, WI (www.prwatch.org). Sheldon Rampton also founded the Wikipedia-styled www.SourceWatch.org.

One chapter is on the Valerie Plame affair. It is well-written, but it was always much ado about nothing. In the end it was only White House clumsiness that made it more interesting. Other chapters cover the faulty U.S. intelligence concerning weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Ahmed Chalabi and his CIA-funded Iraqi National Congress, and deceptive body counts in Iraq. The Chalabi chapter includes 13 pages on Judith Miller, who really deserves a book of her own. She sat in jail for 85 days over the Plame affair for refusing to testify. But she should have been jailed, along with her editors, for her inaccurate reporting in the New York Times. Chalabi was her major source for a series of fear-mongering articles about WMDs in Iraq over a period of ten years. This coverage by the NYT created an environment of anti-Iraq public opinion that paved the way for the U.S. invasion. NYT eventually fired Miller, long after it was much too late.
ISBN 1-58542-509-5