Sargent,P. Getting U S Into War. 1941

Sargent, Porter. Getting U S Into War. Boston: Porter Sargent, 1941. 635 pages.

Porter Sargent (1872-1951) published a series of 100 mimeographed bulletins in 1939-1941 that he sent out to his mailing list of 10,000 private school people, college presidents and school superintendents. These are reprinted in this book, after a 96-page introduction. The style of each bulletin consists of several paragraphs or pages of commentary on recent items from the world press, followed by extensive end notes that are more detailed and informative than the commentary itself. Sargent was primarily worried about the drumbeat toward world war, and by Britain's skillful propaganda and maneuvering to make sure the U.S. became involved.

From pages 245-6: "No periodical will print the material put forth in these Bulletins... The making of these Bulletins has taken practically my whole time for months so that I have neglected my personal and business affairs... It requires the full time assistance of two secretaries and part time of five or six others. Personally I take, read, mark and clip with assistance more than a hundred periodicals, -- see, read, annotate hundreds of the new books each year. There is no secret stuff here. Much of it is on the inside page of the N.Y.Times and Tribune, more comes from obscure periodicals and news letters... The interpretations in these Bulletins are not paid for except by voluntary contributions."
ISBN unavailable